New Year with Omanakuttis :)

Hullo there!

The Year 2008 is all set to disappear into the annals of history. My heart-felt New Year wishes to all my dear readers(imagination at its best) & may this new year bring loads of happiness & joy to the lives of those who agree that "I write good". :D :D

As it happened last year, this year too my friends left for Goa today to welcome the New Year, whereas I'm writing this post informing you people that I gave the tour a miss because of a stupid exam, just like I did last year.(I don't want to mention the name of that exam, because being a blogger of high repute(!!) it's very likely that the directors of that institute may stumble upon this blog and, if i get through the written test, rip me apart in the interview. :D But for the curious minds out there, I can give a clue: The name of the starts with the third letter from Z, ends with a mono-syallable which is also the name of a hot drink, and 'A' in between these two letters. You may tear your hair apart, bang your head on the wall, growl in frustration but you will never find that its "XAT" that I'm talking about. And I'm also safe this way. :D) I almost forgot the fact that I have to give this exam on the day we had proposed to return from Goa and went on to book the tickets when at the last moment an alarm blared in my mind and I had to back out. :(

I was particularly keen on touring Goa after my friends shattered my heart into a thousand pieces me last year - they didn't get me the red-wine as promised. :( I felt like a kid who was informed on the day of the last annual exam that there would be no summer vacation. :D

This year I don't have to go through such agony, for I'm all set to hit the God's Own Country. I'll be off to Kerala tomorrow with some of my colleagues & will be back in time to give the stupid exam indicated earlier. The bottom line: I'M GOING TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR WITH OMANAKUTTIS. :D It can't get any better. :)

Disappointed as I was in previous train journeys, I have my hopes up that tomorrow the jinx will be broken, despite the endless curses generously offered by some pot-bellied flea infested homo sapiens that I would be in the company of wailing kids, loquacious aunties & sick octogenarians.

Will be back with the updates soon! :)



  1. Happy new year da... Hope ur new year started as you expected..:)

  2. @kumaran
    Thanks for the wishes. Happy new year to you too!
    The trip turned out to be a damp squib. I intend to write a post on it soon. :)


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