Blagh phost

Waking up at ungodly hours gives me a longing to write silly blog posts. There was sunshine when I started from work but by the time I got home the temperature dropped suddenly and there was a bit of chill in the air. I snuggled into the blanket and had a refreshing nap. It was so heavenly that when I awoke I was sure I needed another one. Another one I most certainly had. It was well past midnight when I woke up again. Yes, the day has begun. Many Many hours to kill till I can nap blissfully again when my morning status call begins.

S came over to Toronto this weekend and we had a long delightful chitchat. We laughed over the recollection of the many mischievous stuffs we did in Goa last year. With his marriage just a couple of months away, he bemoaned that he couldn't hope for those fun days to come back again, but was also optimistic that marrying the love of his life would bring new happiness and chaos. I've never heard him speak so maturely that it was kind of eerie. We then giggled over many useless photos on Facebook for a while. Boy, didn't I have so much gossip to catch up with! Not being on Facebook is synonymous with living under a rock. Almost all of my batch mates are either engaged or married. The list of all single men could easily be written on the back of a stamp - my name at the top. I was strangely thrilled to note that my cute petite high school crush is now a plump mother married to a pot-bellied uncle with receding hairline. Yes, I am evil. Take a hike, cutie-pie. :P

I borrowed 'The English Patient' last week from the library. It's been languishing somewhere since then but I can't remember where I placed it. Our house is such a mess right now that I'd sooner find a needle in a haystack than a book in my living room. We're running low on internet quota and we've a week to go in this cycle(Yep, no unlimited internet in Toronto. Boo hoo!). I have only the book to fall back on. So I'd better go now and hunt that book. Toodle-oo.


  1. SINGLE?! and you at the top?! Deii.. :-)

  2. Yes, I'm too awesome for my own good. :-P



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