
The hours leading up to the CAT result are always filled with anxiety. When CAT was a paper-based test, aspirants had a fair idea of what one could expect. With this online CAT, predicting scores would be an exercise in futility. CAT score doesn't depend on one's performance alone. A nod from Lady Luck is imperative to fetch good scores from this online "lottery".

Some of my friends who had already check their "leaked" scores(which the convener of CAT says is unethical. Bah!) are praying that it shouldn't be authentic. Others who have got good scores fear the contrary. And rest like me, who haven't checked their scores, are hoping that destiny would smile at them. :-)

Much as I hope I get what I deserve, I have a thought running at the back of my mind that another CAT goof-up is not an impossibility. Whatever be the case, I wouldn't let this feline break my spirit. On second thoughts, can it get worse than last year? I got a whopping 7.07% in DI. What a shock that was! It took me a few minutes to believe what I saw. If my ego wasn't so inflated, I'd have shed a few drops of tears too.

A whole year has passed now and I'm back at square one. In a few hours CAT 2010 result will be out. It would be an understatement to say that right now butterflies are having a gala time in my stomach. I'm repeatedly playing the exam day on my mind. Rewind, play, rewind, play. silly, but I can't help it. I know I've given my best shot and I'm happy about that. I may get more than or less than what I deserve. Whatever be the case, one thing is for sure - I'd emerge stronger.


  1. Wow da... atlast world has made a turn. Ya!!! Its a bit serious blog from you.. :)

    All the best machi...


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